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Jesus on Creation | In these words of Jesus we find He teaches that Adam and Eve were created in ‘the beginning of the creation’—not billions of years after the beginning! |
Jesus, evangelical scholars, and the age of the earth | Besides the […] evidence that Jesus took Genesis 1-11 as straightforward reliable history, the gospel writers record several statements that Jesus made, which are relevant to the age of the earth. |
The Most Important Verse in the Bible? | It has often been pointed out that, if a person really believes Genesis 1:1, he will not find it difficult to believe anything else recorded in the Bible. That is, if God really created all things, then He controls all things and can do all things. Furthermore, this one verse refutes all of man's false philosophies concerning the origin and meaning of the world. |
Interpreting Genesis 1-11 | [ Dr. Russell Fuller ] Dispute over the Interpretation of Genesis 1:1. Not all passages of Scripture, of course, have a clear “plain sense.” Traditionally, interpreters have understood Genesis 1:1 as an independent statement of God’s initial act of creating the universe… |
1:1-5 In the Begining God | [ Geoff Thomas ] The Bible begins with God and so we must begin with him always, when a child is born, or when someone we love is sick or dying, when prayers are answered or if there are mysterious delays; when the world rises up against us and when all our dreams are shattered; in the light of every providence let us stand back from them all and respond first of all by seeking God and his kingdom. |
John Gill's Introduction to Genesis | This book, in the Hebrew copies of the Bible, and by the Jewish writers, is generally called Bereshith, which signifies "in the beginning", being the first word of it; as the other four books of Moses are also called from their initial words. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:1 God. This opening verse of the Bible is unique, the foundation of foundations, probably the first words, ever written down, either revealed to Adam, or even written directly by God Himself. One who really believes Genesis 1:1 will have no difficulty believing the rest of Scripture. |
John Gill | By the heaven some understand the supreme heaven, the heaven of heavens, the habitation of God, and of the holy angels; and this being made perfect at once, no mention is after made of it, as of the earth; and it is supposed that the angels were at this time created, since they were present at the laying of the foundation of the earth, ( Job 38:6-7 ) |
[accordion title=”Genesis 1:2″]
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Judgment in the Fabric of the Universe | The "deep" attests not only to God's justice | but also to His mercy: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea" (Revelation 21:1). "No more sea" implies no more judgment. Thus | in the universe to come | God deliberately omits from its fabric the means of judgment. | ||
Formed To Be Inhabited | This verse is the key proof-text for the “gap theory | ” which attempts to accommodate the evolutionary “ages” of geology by placing them in a hypothetical gap between the first two verses of Genesis. Genesis 1:2 states: “The earth was without form” (Hebrew | tohu) | but Isaiah says | “He created it not in vain” (same word | tohu). |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:2 the earth. In an attempt to accommodate the supposed evolutionary geological ages in Genesis | certain theologians postulated a long gap in time here between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 | in which it was hoped these ages could be pigeon-holed and forgotten as far as Biblical exegesis was concerned. | |||||||||||
John Gill | It was not in the form it now is | otherwise it must have a form | as all matter has; it was a fluid matter | the watery parts were not separated from the earthy ones; it was not put into the form of a terraqueous globe it is now | the sea apart | and the earth by itself | but were mixed and blended together; it was | as both the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem paraphrase it | a waste and desert | empty and destitute of both men and beasts; and it may be added | of fishes and fowls | and also of trees | herbs | and plants. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:3″]
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Sunlight Before the Sun | Skeptics have long ridiculed the science of biblical creation over this point. How could there be light bathing the earth before the sun was created? Obviously the Bible must be in error. But as always | this apparent error drives us to look more closely at the relevant data | both scientific and biblical. | ||||||||||||
“Let There Be Light” | Paul writes | “For God | who said | ‘Let light shine out of darkness | ’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6 | ESV). Notice that this is an allusion to Genesis 1:3 | and Paul considers it to be a historical | factual | and plainly understood text. God said | “Let there be light | ” and there was light. The text | for Paul | points to a real event in time and history—the creation of light around six thousand years ago | as recorded in Genesis. However | God revealed to Paul that the text does even more than record history. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:3 God said. As the “Spirit” of God “moved” (Genesis 1:2) | so now the Word of God speaks in Genesis 1:3. The result is light | the energizing of the vast cosmos through the marvelous electro-magnetic force system which maintains all structures and processes in matter. | |||||
John GillAnd God said. This phrase is used | nine times in this account of the creation; it is admired by Longinus the Heathen in his treatise "of the Sublime" | as a noble instance of it; and it is most beautifully paraphrased and explained in ( Psalms 33:6 ) as expressive of the will | power | authority | and efficacy of the divine Being; whose word is clothed with power | and who can do | and does whatever he will | and as soon as he pleases; his orders are always obeyed. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:4″]
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Dividing Light From Darkness | Initially | the created cosmos was in darkness-a darkness which God Himself had to create (“I form the light | and create darkness”-Isaiah 45:7). But then the dark cosmos was energized by the Spirit’s moving | and God’s light appeared. The darkness was not dispelled | however | but only divided from the light | and the day/night sequence began | which has continued ever since. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:4 darkness. That these rays of light energy included the visible light spectrum is obvious by its separation from the newly created “darkness.” That most of this visible light emanated from one direction in space and | further | that the newly-sphericized earth began now to rotate on its axis | is shown by the establishment of a cyclical succession of “Day” and “Night | ” which has continued ever since. | |||
John Gill | Very pleasant and delightful | useful and beneficial; that is | he foresaw it would be good | of great service | as Picherellus F11 interprets it; for as yet there were no inhabitants of the earth to receive any advantage by it; see ( Ecclesiastes 11:7 ) besides | it was doubtless good to answer some present purposes | to prepare for the work of the two following days | before the great luminary was formed; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:5″]
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Does the Phrase "Evening and Morning" Help Define "Day"? | Interestingly | the very first time the word is used | in Genesis 1:5 | it is strictly defined as the light portion of a light/dark cycle as the earth rotated underneath a directional light source | producing day and night. It is also true that whenever "day" is modified by a number | like second day or six days | it can only mean a true solar day. There are no exceptions in Hebrew. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:5 Day. The use of “day” (Hebrew yom) in Genesis 1:5 is its first occurrence in Scripture | and here it is specifically defined by God as “the light” in the cyclical succession of light and darkness which has | ever since | constituted a solar day. | ||||
John Gill | Either by the circulating motion of the above body of light | or by the rotation of the chaos on its own axis towards it | in the space of twenty four hours there was a vicissitude of light and darkness; just as there is now by the like motion either of the sun | or of the earth; and which after this appellation God has given | we call the one | day | and the other | night: |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:6″]
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Is the Raqiya‘ (‘Firmament’) a Solid Dome? | Anti-Christian sceptics often denounce the Bible as teaching a faulty cosmology. One example is the assertion that the Hebrew word raqiya‘ | or ‘firmament’ in the KJV | denotes a solid dome over the earth | so that the Bible is guilty of scientific error. | |||
Water Near Edge of Universe Bolsters Creation Cosmology | Perhaps the waters spoken of in Genesis 1:6 are these "waters that be above the heavens | presumably located above" the stars. Is there any water near the edge of the universe that would illustrate this possibility? Actually | yes. Two teams of astronomers have found "the largest and farthest reservoir of water ever detected." | ||||
The Third Firmament | The English word "firmament" in the Bible is a translation of the Hebrew | raqia | meaning "expanse." Its meaning is not "firm boundary" as Biblical critics have alleged | but might be better paraphrased as "stretched-out thinness" or simply "space." Its first occurrence in the Bible relates it to heaven: "And God said | Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters | and let it divide the waters from the waters. . . . And God called the firmament Heaven" (Genesis 1:6 | 8). |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:6 firmament. The “firmament” is not a great vaulted dome in the sky | as liberals have interpreted it | but is simply the atmospheric expanse established between the waters above and below. The Hebrew word | raqiya | means “expanse” or perhaps better | “stretched-out thinness.” |
John Gill | On which the Spirit of God was sitting and moving | ( Genesis 1:2 ) part of which were formed into clouds | and drawn up into heaven by the force of the body of fire and light already produced; and the other part left on the earth | not yet gathered into one place | as afterwards: between these God ordered a "firmament to be" | or an "expanse" |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:7″]
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:7 above the firmament. The “waters which were above the firmament” are clearly not the clouds or the vapor which now float in the atmosphere. The Hebrew word al | definitely requires the meaning “above.” Furthermore | the absence of rain (Genesis 2:5) and the rainbow (Genesis 9:13) is not only explained but required by a vapor canopy | not by an atmosphere like that of the present. |
John Gill | And God made the firmament. By a word speaking | commanding it into being | producing it out of the chaos | and spreading it in that vast space between the heaven of heavens and our earth. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:8″]
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Teaching Universe | This familiar psalm | extolling God’s creation (vv. 1-6) and God’s Word (vv. 7-14) | begins with a beautiful summary of the testimony of the physical universe. “The heavens” and the “firmament” are synonymous (Genesis 1:8) | both being equivalent to our modern scientific concept of space. |
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John Gill | And God called the firmament heaven. Including the starry and airy heavens: it has its name from its height in the Arabic language | it being above the earth | and reaching to the third heaven; though others take the word "shamaim" to be a compound of two words | sham and "maim" | that is | there are waters | namely | in the clouds of heaven: |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:9″]
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:9 dry land. The work of the third day began with the laying of the foundations of the earth (see notes on Job 38:4; Proverbs 8:29; Psalm 33:7) by the power of God’s spoken Word. The waters “under the firmament” apparently still contained all the material elements of the earth in solution or suspension until the energizing Word initiated a vast complex string of chemical and physical reactions | to precipitate | combine and sort all the rock materials and metals comprising the solid earth. | |||
John Gill | And God said | let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place | ||||
Which are before called the waters under the firmament; and which were either on the surface of the earth | or in the bowels of it | or mixed with it | which by the compressure of the expanse or air were separated from it and these | by apertures and channels made | were caused to flow as by a straight line | as the word used signifies |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:10″]
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This Great and Wide Sea | The oceans of the world are indeed great and wide and comprise essentially one sea | in contrast to the Seas of the pre-Flood world (Genesis 1:10) | which were probably relatively narrow | numerous and distributed more or less uniformly around the globe | as inferred from the marine fossil deposits laid down in those basins by the Flood. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:10 Seas. As the solid materials precipitated and then moved down and around under the forces of gravity | internal heat | and other electro-magnetic energies (not to mention the outflowing energy of the divine Word) | great basins opened up to receive and store the waters. Some of these waters were trapped and stored in the “great deep” (Genesis 7:11) | subterranean chambers beneath the earth’s crust. | |||
John Gill | And God called the dry land earth. The whole chaos | that was a turbid fluid | a mixture of earth and water | a rude unformed mass of matter | was called earth before; but now that part of the terraqueous globe | which was separated from the waters | and they from it | is called "earth": which has its name in the Arabic language from its being low and depressed; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:11″]
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Perspectives on Life | In no passage of Scripture are plants associated with any of the terms for "life." Plants do not have chayor nephesh or ruwach or any blood. Period. Neither are they "moving creatures." Multicellular plants do not have independent mobility. | |||
Did Plant Growth Require Vast Ages? | To accommodate thousands or millions of years | this text would have to mean | And God said, Let the earth eventually bring forth grass, then after eons of trial and decay, the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed, which will change into another's seed, is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. | |
Are Plants Alive? | One such problem relates to the nature of plants and the "lower" animals. The Bible teaches that in the original creation | there was to be no death. Yet God also instructed Adam and Eve | as well as the animals (Genesis 1:29-30) to be plant eaters. Would not the eating of plants constitute death? | |
The Creation of Plants | One of the favorite biblical arguments used these days by Christian advocates of an old earth comes from a forced interpretation of this verse. While the verse seems to teach "sudden" creation | old-earth advocates interpret the verse to necessitate an indefinite time period | at least long enough for seeds to grow up into mature | seed-bearing plants. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:11 bring forth grass. The ability of the earth to begin immediately producing abundant plant life everywhere | on the very same day as the forming of the land surfaces | shows that the upper portion of the crust was a rich soil | fertile in chemical nutrients and retaining adequate moisture to sustain the lush vegetation. This fact illustrates an important principle. | |
John Gill | And God said | let the earth bring forth grass. Which had been impregnated by the Spirit of God that moved upon it when a fluid; and though now become dry land | it retained sufficient moisture in it | and was juicy and fit to produce vegetables; and especially as it had the advantage of the expanded air about it | and the warmth of the primordial light or fire; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:12″]
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either a vine | figs | Each created plant or animal can only reproduce after its own kind. Its “seed [is] in itself” (Genesis 1:12) | and it can never generate any other kind of seed. “God giveth it a body as it hath pleased Him | and to every seed his own body” (I Corinthians 15:38). This is sound biology as well as Scripture; macroevolution is impossible and does not occur. Thus “the fruit of our lips” (Hebrews 13:15) should be praise to God | not the cursing of men. |
Sudden Creation | Even a superficial reading of the account of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 impresses the reader with the idea of suddenness. God simply called the universe into existence from nothing and then quickly set about the rapid formation of certain features | interspersed with other direct creative acts. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:12 grass. It should also be noted that plant life | in all its forms | was created before animal life | thus contradicting the order postulated by evolutionists. There are over twenty such contradictions between the order of creation in Genesis and that in evolutionary paleontology. |
John Gill | And the earth brought forth grass. In great abundance at once; the hills and vales were clothed with it | and so a rich provision was made the beasts and cattle of the earth two or three days before they were created: |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:13″]
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John Gill | And the evening and the morning were the third day. The space of twenty four hours ran out | and were measured | either by the rotation of the body of light and heat around the earth | or of the earth upon its axis: and this was according to Capellus the twentieth day of April | and | according to Bishop Usher | the twenty fifth of October; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:14″]
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Signs And Seasons | Days And Years | The subject of "time" is enigmatic. Everyone seems to know what is meant by time | but no one can define it. We may complain about time going too slow or too fast | but time doesn't go anywhere. But neither does it "stand still." At least we can measure time intervals–seconds | hours | centuries | etc. This is because of God's gracious forethought in providing means for doing this. He was not a "blind watchmaker | as some evolutionists have called Him. He actually created time In the beginning" (Genesis 1:1). |
The Heaven of Heavens | The term "heaven" is not just a general term for where the souls of the righteous go after death. The Bible actually speaks of the "third heaven | the realm to which Paul was once temporarily caught up into paradise" (2 Corinthians 12:4). The term is also applied to the realm of the atmosphere | and to the realm of the stars (e.g. | Genesis 1:14 | 20). In fact | the Hebrew word shamayim is actually a plural noun | often rendered "heavens" as well as "heaven." | |
Star Formation and Genesis 1 | So the events of Genesis 1:14-19 have an opening waw-consecutive "And God said | and a closing pattern of waw-consecutives and it was evening | and it was morning" separating the 4th day from the previous and subsequent commands God issued. The point for the interpreter is that each day in Genesis 1 must be a completed event! So God began His creation of the sun | moon | and stars on Day 4 and finished them on that same day. This also rules out the concept that the days may overlap in some manner. | |||
What a Difference a Day Makes | The length of the days of Genesis 1 has been much debated. Are the days of Genesis 1 regular solar days | referring to the rotation of the earth on its axis | or could each day be a long | indefinite period of time | equivalent in total to the vast time spans of geology? |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:14 lights. On the first day | God had said: “Let there be light” (Hebrew or). Now He says: “Let there be lights” (ma-or). Light energy was activated first | but now great masses of material (part of the “earth” elements created on the first day) were gathered together in one of the firmaments | or spaces | of the cosmos–the space beyond the waters above the space adjacent to the earth. | ||||
John Gill | And God said | let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven. In the upper part of it | commonly called the starry heaven: some writers | both Jewish and Christian | and even modern astronomers | understand this only of the appearance of them | and not of the formation of them; they suppose they were made on the first day | but did not appear or shine out so clearly and visibly as now on the fourth day: but it seems rather | that the body of fire and light produced on the first day was now distributed and formed into several luminous bodies of sun. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:15″]
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The Gifts of God | The theme of giving is strong in the Scriptures. The words “give | ” “giving | ” “gift | ” and other such words occur at least 2 | 100 times. The very first occurrence | however | is in connection with the giving of light. God placed the great lights in the heavens “to give light upon the earth” (Genesis 1:15). Light is the basic energy by which all creation functions but | so far as the earth is concerned | it is the particular light from the sun which energizes all earth’s processes. God Himself is the Light (Genesis 1:3; 1 John 1:5; Revelation 22:5) and that light antedates the sun | but He made the “lights”; He is the Father of lights. |
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John Gill | And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven. To continue there as luminous bodies; as enlighteners | as the word signifies | causing light | or as being the instruments of conveying it | particularly to the earth | as follows: to give light upon the earth; and the inhabitants of it | when formed: and it was so: these lights were formed and placed in the firmament of the heaven for such uses | and served such purposes as God willed and ordered they should. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:16″]
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The Solar System: The Sun | The sun and other luminaries in the sky were created on the fourth day of the creation week. Genesis informs us that the purpose for these lights in the sky is (1) to separate day from night | (2) to help us mark the passage of time | and (3) to give light upon the earth (Genesis 1:14-15). A fourth purpose is revealed elsewhere in Scripture—to declare God’s glory (Psalm 19:1-6). | ||
The Lights Of The World | On the Fourth Day of Creation Week | the Lord Jesus had formed the sun and the moon and all the stars of heaven. There had been “light” on the first three days | but now there were actual lights! Not only would the earth and its verdure be a source of beauty and sustenance to man | but even the very heavens would bring joy and inspiration to him. Furthermore | they would guide his way and keep his time. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:16 the stars also. These stars were scattered in tremendous numbers throughout the infinite recesses of the heavens (note Isaiah 55:9). The light energy emanating from them would henceforth traverse space to “give light on the earth | ” providing patterns and movements which would also enable man to keep records of time and history. | ||||||||||||||
John Gill | And God made two great lights. This was his own work which he himself did | and not by another; and may be particularly observed to express the folly of idolaters in worshipping these luminaries which were the creations of God | and were placed by him in the heaven to serve some purposes on earth beneficial to men | but not to be worshipped. These two "great lights" are the sun and the moon; and they may well be called great | especially the former | for the diameter of the sun is reckoned to be about eight hundred thousand miles. According to Mr. Derham F9 its apparent diameter is computed at 822 | 145 English miles | its ambit at 2 | 582 | 873 miles | and its solid contents at 290 | 971 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000: the lowest account makes the sun a hundred thousand times bigger than the earth; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:17″]
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The Greatest of All Gifts | Giving is a prominent theme in the Bible | with such words as "give | gift | gave | etc., appearing more than 2,000 times. Genesis 1:17 records the first occurrence, when on the fourth day of creation, God created the sun, moon, and stars to give light upon the earth | and the last is Revelation 22:12, when Christ will return with His rewards to give every man according as his work shall be." |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:17 light upon the earth. The establishment of the sun and moon in their light-giving functions for the earth half-way through creation week is obviously inconsistent with the day-age theory. This is compounded by the fact that plant life on the earth was made one day before the sun | a situation which would be absurdly impossible if this “day” was an “age.” | |||||
John Gill | And God set them in the firmament of the heaven. He not only ordered that there they should be | and made them that there they might be | but he placed them there with his own hands; and they are placed | particularly the sun | at such a particular distance as to be beneficial and not hurtful: had it been set nearer to the earth | its heat would have been intolerable; and had it been further off it would have been of no use; in the one case we should have been scorched with its heat | and in the other been frozen up for the want of it. The various expressions used seem to be designed on purpose to guard against and expose the vanity of the worship of the sun and moon; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:18″]
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John Gill | And to rule over the day | and over the night. The one | namely the sun | or greater light | to rule over the day | and the moon and stars | the lesser lights | to rule over the night: this is repeated from ( Genesis 1:16 ) to show the certainty of it | and that the proper uses of these lights might be observed | and that a just value might be put upon them | but not carried beyond due bounds: and to divide the light from the darkness; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:19″]
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John Gill | And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Made by the rotation of the earth on its own axis | in the space of twenty four hours: this according to Capellus was the twenty first of April | and according to Bishop Usher the twenty sixth of October; or | as others | the fourth of September: and thus | as on the fourth day of the creation the sun was made | or appeared | so in the fourth millennium the sun of righteousness arose on our earth. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:20″]
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New from Nothing: Is God Still Creating Today? | Genesis 1:20-21 reports how God created the first animal life on earth | specifically “great whales | ” as well as other sea creatures and flying animals. A form of the Hebrew word bara’ is used in this verse | indicating that something “new from nothing” was commanded by God to exist—in this case | conscious animal life. |
Did Dinosaurs Survive The Flood? | On Day Five (Genesis 1:20-23) God created marine life and flying animals | but animals such as the plesiosaur and flying reptiles weren't dinosaurs. However | the Bible does mention "great whales" (v. 21) literally "great sea monsters" or "great dragons." Such terms bring up images of beasts reminiscent of modern re-constructions of dinosaurs and giant marine reptiles. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:20 open firmament. Both the “lights” (Genesis 1:15) and the “fowl” are said to be in the “firmament of heaven.” However | the fowl were to be in the “open” (Hebrew pene) firmament of heaven | or better | “the face of the firmament of heaven.” | ||||||||||
John Gill | And God said | let the waters bring forth abundantly. The waters gathered together in one place | the waters of the ocean | and those in rivers | pools and lakes | and which | before their collection into those places | had been sat on | moved | and impregnated by the Spirit of God; so that they could | as they did | by the divine order accompanied with his power | bring forth abundance of creatures | next mentioned: the moving creature that hath life: |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:21″]
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It's Alive! | Life is unique. “And God created…every living creature that moveth” (Genesis 1:21). Obviously | animal and human life are different from plant life. In fact | the Bible uses the Hebrew word chay (life) and its derivatives 763 times in the Old Testament | never applying that term to plants or vegetation. No place in Scripture attributes chay to plants; only living creatures possess life. | |
Dragons in Paradise | The first reference to created animals | in Genesis 1:21 | says that “God created great whales | ” but the Hebrew word for “whales” (tanniynim) is translated “dragons” in over 20 other passages. Note especially Isaiah 27:1: “In that day the LORD…shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent | even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” |
Christ Our Life | All the scientific evidence shows that life cannot be produced naturalistically | so it is nothing but anti-God bigotry to deny that God could have created it. The very first chapter of the Bible affirms that "God created . . . every living creature" (Genesis 1:21). The Hebrew word (translated "creature" in this verse) is nephesh | which is often translated simply as "life." Thus we are told plainly in the written Word of God that God created every life. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:21 living creature. It is significant that the word “create” (Hebrew bara) is applied to the introduction of animal life | but not to plant life. Plants are highly complex replicating chemical systems | as are animals | with reproductive programs based in the remarkable DNA molecule in both cases. However | animals possess another entity–that of consciousness–which plants do not possess | and this required a second act of true creation… | |||||||||||
John Gill | And God created great whales. Which the Targums of Jonathan and Jarchi interpret of the Leviathan and its mate | concerning which the Jews have many fabulous things: large fishes are undoubtedly meant | and the whale being of the largest sort | the word is so rendered. Aelianus | from various writers | relates many things of the extraordinary size of whales; of one in the Indian sea five times bigger than the largest elephant | one of its ribs being twenty cubits F18; from Theocles | of one that was larger than a galley with three oars F19; and from Onesicritus and Orthagoras | of one that was half a furlong in length F20; and Pliny F21 speaks of one sort called the "balaena" | and of one of them in the Indian sea | that took up four aces of land | and so Solinus F23; and from Juba | he relates there were whales that were six hundred feet in length | and three hundred sixty in breadth F24 but whales in common are but about fifty | seventy | eighty | or at most one hundred feet. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:22″]
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Blessings in a Fallen World | Part 1 | What does "blessing" or "blessed" mean? The first use of this term is in Genesis 1:22 and 1:28 | when God blessed the animals and man. "Be fruitful | and multiply" immediately follows both uses of the phrase "God blessed them." Hence | bearing offspring is one way God blesses us | implying that children are a blessing. For mankind | God added "have dominion" to the blessing. He entrusted this dominion only to man | not to the animals. Thus | for humans | blessing includes both childbearing and rule over the earth. |
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John Gill | And God blessed them. With a power to procreate their kind | and continue their species | as it is interpreted in the next clause; saying | be fruitful | and multiply | and fill the waters in the seas: and these creatures do multiply exceedingly | and vast quantities there are of them in the mighty waters | though the consumption of some sorts of them is very great. Our English word "fish" is derived from the Hebrew word (vwp) | fush | which signifies to multiply and increase: and let fowl multiply in the earth; |
as they did | and continue to do to this day. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:23″]
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John Gill | And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. The sun now in the firmament | where it was fixed the day before | having gone round the earth | or the earth about that | in the space of twenty four hours; and according to Capellus this was the twenty second of April; or | as others | the fifth of September; and according to Bishop Usher the twenty seventh of October. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:24″]
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:24 it was so. Note the logical order of God’s formation of things. On the first day | He made the earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere | on the second day its lithosphere and biosphere. On the central day of the week | the heavenly astrosphere was formed. Then | on the fifth day living creatures were formed for earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere | and on the sixth day for its lithosphere and biosphere. On the first day God had created and energized His elemental universe; on the last day | God blessed and sanctified His completed universe. | |
John Gill | And God said | let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind. All sorts of living creatures that live and move upon the earth; not that the earth was endued with a power to produce these creatures of itself | without the interposition of God: for though it might be impregnated with a quickening virtue by the Spirit of God | which moved on it whilst a fluid | and had been prepared and disposed for such a production by the heat of the body of light created on the first day | and of the sun on the fourth; yet no doubt it was by the power of God accompanying his word | that these creatures were produced of the earth | and formed into their several shapes. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:25″]
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:25 after his kind. The phrase “after his kind” occurs repeatedly | stressing the reproductive integrity of each land animal kind | of the same sort as that of each plant kind (Genesis 1:11-12) and each air animal and water animal (Genesis 1:21). All of these reproductive systems are programmed in terms of the biochemical genetic code | utilizing the basic elements of the earth. Both plants and animals are formed from the created eretz (“earth”) | only animals from the created nephesh (“soul” or consciousness). | ||||
John Gill | And God made the beast of the earth after his kind. The wild beasts | and the several sorts of them; beginning the account with the last mentioned | as is frequent in the Hebrew language | and so he made all the rest: and cattle after their kind | and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind; tame creatures | and all the reptiles of the earth: this most clearly shows and proves that the above creatures were not produced by the mere force of nature | or the powers the earth were possessed of | however the matter of it might be disposed and prepared | but by the omnipotent hand of God: |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:26″]
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Man: The Image of God | Man in the image of God; what does this mean in practical terms? It cannot refer to bodily | biological form since God is a Spirit and man is earthly. But while it may be true that the body does not belong to the image | since God does not have a body | yet somehow we would like to see man’s body (which is a very real part of man) included in the image. | ||||||
Created | There are three main verbs used to describe God's work of creation in Genesis. These are "create" (Hebrew | bara) | make (asah) | and "form" (yatsar). The three words are similar in meaning | but each with a slightly different emphasis. None of them | of course | can mean anything at all like "evolve | or change | on their own accord. All three are used in Genesis with reference to man. And God said | Let us make man in our image. . . . So God created man in his own image. . . . And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground" (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7). |
Man and His Labor | Have dominion . . . over all the earth . . . to dress it and to keep it (Genesis 1:26; 2:15). This primeval mandate | though still in effect as man's stewardship responsibility for the earth and its creatures | has been seriously impacted by sin and the curse. "Cursed is the ground for thy sake | God told Adam; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread" (Genesis 3:17 | 19). |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:26 in our image. God is | as it were | taking counsel here with Himself | not with angels | since man was to be made in the image of God | not of angels. “Our image | ” therefore | implies human likeness to the triune Godhead. Plants possess a body | and animals a body and consciousness. Man was not only to have a body (of the created “earth”) and a consciousness (of the created “soul”) | but man was also to possess a third created entity | the image of God | an eternal spirit capable of communion and fellowship with his Creator. | |
John Gill | And God said | let us make man in our image | after our likeness. These words are directed not to the earth | out of which man was made | as consulting with it | and to be assisting in the formation of man | as Moses Gerundensis | and other Jewish writers F6 | which is wretchedly stupid; nor to the angels | as the Targum of Jonathan | Jarchi | and others | who are not of God's privy council… |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:27″]
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Did Jesus Believe in Creation? | The two supposedly contradictory accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 are fully compatible: "Have ye not read that He. . .made them male and female [quoting Genesis 1 :27] | and said | For this cause shall a man leave father and mother | and shall cleave to his wife: And they twain shall be one flesh?" [quoting Genesis 2:24] (Matthew 19:5). | ||||||
Death By Sin | Furthermore | there remains no warrant for the notion that “Adam” is simply a generic term representing the human race. He was “one man.” In fact | he was “the first man” (I Corinthians 15:45) | and Eve was “the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). There was certainly no population of evolving hominids becoming “Adam.” In fact | Christ Himself made it clear that Adam and Eve were there “from the beginning of the creation” (Mark 10:6 | quoting Genesis 1:27). | ||||
We Are His Image | Man’s body is made of the same “Earth” material (Genesis 2:7) as the animals (Genesis 2:19) and as the earth itself (Genesis 1:10). Furthermore | he shares the created “soul” (Hebrew | nephesh) and “spirit” (Hebrew | ruach | same as “breath”) with the animals (compare Genesis 1:21 | 7:15 | where nephesh and ruach | respectively | are used of the animals). However | he shares the created “image of God” (Genesis 1:27) only with God Himself. |
Why Do We Marry? | And this is why we marry. God created men and women in His image (Genesis 1:27) | and designed them to function in a certain way. Premarital chastity | marital fidelity | one man for one woman | for life. Anything less distorts His image | defeats His intention | and limits our effectiveness as His servants. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:27 male and female. Note that “man” is here (and often in Scripture) used in a generic sense to include both man and woman. Both male and female were created (the details of their physical formation being given in Genesis 2) in God’s image. Thus both possess equally an eternal spirit capable of personal fellowship with their Creator. | ||||||||
John Gill | So God created man in his own image. Which consisted both in the form of his body | and the erect stature of it | different from all other creatures; in agreement with the idea of that body | prepared in covenant for the Son of God | and which it was therein agreed he should assume in the fulness of time; and in the immortality of his soul | and in his intellectual powers | and in that purity | holiness | and righteousness in which he was created; |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:28″]
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Marital Problems | Marriage has always had a high place—a high calling. In the beginning | God’s stated purpose in marriage was to propagate children (Genesis 1:28) and to eliminate solitude (2:18). Such a state was deemed “very good” (1:31). But sin entered through Adam’s rebellion | and the universal curse resulted. |
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:28 replenish. God’s first command to man was that of producing abundant progeny sufficient to fill the earth (not “replenish | ” a misleading translation of the Hebrew word male). Perhaps the animals had been created in large numbers of each kind | but the human population began with only two people. | ||||||||
John Gill | And God blessed them. The man and the woman he had made | with all the blessings of nature and Providence; with all the good things of life; with his presence | and with communion with himself in a natural way | through the creatures; and particularly with a power of procreating their species | as follows; and God said unto them | be fruitful | and multiply | and replenish the earth: if this is not an express command | as the Jews understand it | for marriage and procreation of children | it seems to be more than a bare permission; at least it is a direction and an advice to what was proper and convenient for the increase of mankind |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:29″]
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The New Defender's Study Bible | 1:29 given you every herb. It is plain that both men and animals were originally intended to be vegetarian and herbivorous in their appetites. There was adequate nourishment and energy value available in the fruits and herbs to enable both to accomplish the work God had given them to do. The supply could not be exhausted | since these plants were designed to replicate themselves through the seeds they produced. | ||||||||||||
John Gill | And God said. That is | to Adam and Eve | whom he had made in his image and likeness | and to whom he had given the dominion of the earth and sea | and all things in them: behold | I have given you every herb bearing seed | which is upon the face of all the earth; every herb or plant which had a seed in it | by which it sowed itself again; or being taken off | might be sown by man | even everyone that was wholesome | healthful | and nourishing | without any exception; whatever grew in any part of the earth | be it where it would: |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:30″]
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John Gill | And to every beast of the earth. Wild or tame | the cattle on a thousand hills; God took care and provided for these | being all his creatures | and designed to answer some end or other by their creation: and to every fowl of the air; that flies in it; and to every creeping thing upon the earth; even the meanest and lowest insect: wherein there is life; or "a living soul"; that has an animal life | which is to be supported by food: [I have given] every green herb for meat; the leaves for some | and seed for others; and here is no mention made of flesh; and perhaps those creatures which are now carnivorous were not so at their first creation: |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 1:31″]
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Adam and the Animals | Initially | however | human beings were to have lived strictly on "every herb bearing seed | which is upon the face of all the earth | and every tree | in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed | and land animals were to have lived on every green herb" (Genesis 1:29 | 30). Even animals that are now carnivores were originally herbivores (for that matter | they can still survive on a herbivorous diet | if necessary–as can people!). |
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John Gill | And God saw everything that he had made. Either all that he had made on the several six days of the creation | he took a survey of them | looked over them again | as workmen do when they have finished their work | to see if anything is amiss or wanting; not that anything of this nature can be supposed in the works of God | but such a survey is attributed to him after the manner of men | to show the completeness of his works | and the excellency of them. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 2:4″]
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Are there two creation accounts? | A key operational question for this subject may come as a surprise: Are G1 and G2 actually creation accounts? G1 is undoubtedly so | but the classification of G2 is a bit more subtle | and affects somewhat our overall presentation. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 2:7″]
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Cain’s Wife—Who Was She? | Defenders of the gospel must be able to show that all human beings are descendants of one man and one woman (Adam and Eve) because only descendants of Adam and Eve can be saved. Thus | believers need to be able to account for Cain’s wife and show clearly she was a descendant of Adam and Eve. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 2:8″]
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The Tree of Life | Did the Tree of Life mentioned in the book of Genesis | have power to impart immortality to mortal man | as might be deduced from Genesis 3:22? |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 3:1″]
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What About the Snake in the Garden of Eden? | His first question is “But Satan was only using the FORM of a snake for his purposes. Why curse an entire species of animal for something Satan did?” It needs to be noted from the outset that Satan certainly did use a real | literal | physical snake as his instrument for tempting Eve. |
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[accordion title=”Genesis 9:12-15″]
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Taking Back the Rainbow | First | the covenant of the rainbow is between God and man and the animal kinds that were with Noah on the Ark: a promise that there would never be such an event again that would destroy all flesh on the land. As there have been many local floods since that time | this is obviously a promise there would never be another global flood to destroy all flesh. [] Secondly | the rainbow is a covenant of grace. It is actually a symbol of Christ Himself. |
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[accordion title=”Exodus 20:1″]
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Did Jesus Say He Created in Six Days? | Because Jesus is the Word | this must be a reference to the preincarnate Christ speaking to Moses. As we know | there are a number of appearances of Christ (“theophanies”) in the Old Testament. |
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