Genesis 1:14 Resources

Article Excerpt
Signs And Seasons, Days And Years The subject of "time" is enigmatic. Everyone seems to know what is meant by time, but no one can define it. We may complain about time going too slow or too fast, but time doesn't go anywhere.
The Heaven of Heavens The term "heaven" is not just a general term for where the souls of the righteous go after death. The Bible actually speaks of the "third heaven," the realm to which Paul was once temporarily "caught up into paradise" (2 Corinthians 12:4).
Star Formation and Genesis 1 So the events of Genesis 1:14-19 have an opening waw-consecutive "And God said," and a closing pattern of waw-consecutives "and it was evening, and it was morning" separating the 4th day from the previous and subsequent commands God issued.
What a Difference a Day Makes The length of the days of Genesis 1 has been much debated. Are the days of Genesis 1 regular solar days, referring to the rotation of the earth on its axis, or could each day be a long, indefinite period of time

Commentary Excerpt
The New Defender's Study Bible 1:14 lights. On the first day, God had said: “Let there be light” (Hebrew or). Now He says: “Let there be lights” (ma-or). Light energy was activated first, but now great masses of material
John Gill And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven. In the upper part of it, commonly called the starry heaven: some writers, both Jewish and Christian, and even modern astronomers